The Health Literacy Advisor Online™ (HLA Online)

The HLA Online is a web application that works to help assess and improve the readability of your documents using plain language principles.

The new web HLA Online has the same features yet, more HLA Desktop software:

Powerful, but as easy as 1-2-3!

1_tn.pngQuickly Calculate Readability

Grade your document's readability in seconds with your choice of nine indices.

The HLA includes these readability indices:

  • Fry-Based Electronic Readability Formula
  • Precise SMOG
  • Gunning-Fog
  • Automated Readability Index (ARI)
  • Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
  • Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease
  • New Dale-Chall Formula
  • FORCAST Readability Formula
  • Coleman-Liau Index

Get your reading scores:

After completing Calculate Readability, your score will appear in a blue box on the right.

Calculate Readability

Get your ReadsEasyTM stamp:

If you met your target readability goals you will see the ReadEasyTM stamp after your scores.

Stamping your document is particularly useful to show and capture your progress, or if there are more than one editor reviewing the document.

2_tn.pngInteractively Search and Replace

Use the HLA's Search and Replace feature, which includes a built-in lexicon of more than 12,000 words, phrases, and medical jargon to change hard-to-understand words and phrases into simple, plain language.

You can assess the entire HLA document or just a portion – this comes in handy for those long documents. The HLA works great with non-health documents.

3_tn.pngVisually Scan and Highlight

To focus on problem areas, the HLA can highlight:

  • Complicated words by health (yellow), non-health (blue), or both
  • Words with three or more syllables (pink)
  • Long sentences (more than 10, 15, or 20 words)
  • Proper nouns (such as, Smith, Monday or California) to be excluded in readability calculations

check_tn.pngBut Wait, There's More!

We know our stuff! The HLA was developed by seasoned health literacy, plain language, and software professionals. It comes packed with unique features and valuable extras:

  • A free PDF Style Guide that offers advice on writing clearly, as well as and tips and techniques for design and layout
  • The ReadEasy™ Document Assessment (REDA™) tool that combines the HLA readability data with an electronic self-assessment to help you evaluate how well your document meets readability, content, design, and cultural appropriateness standards

New added features:

  • Works entirely online, all you need is internet access
  • Improved cut and paste text from any format and upload and download documents to and from anywhere
  • Saves and keeps all your saved documents in one place
  • Includes all readability scores and details on your document once saved
  • Prints text directly from the HLA Online
  • Includes a new powerful “Text Editor Program” that offers a full range of grammar and editing features such as:
    • spell checking
    • text formatting and aligning
    • font styling and enlarging
    • adding images and tables
customize_tn.pngSystem Requirements
  • The new HLA Online application is hosted on a private remote and secured server that is HIPAA compliant. It is accesible via Internet through:
    • Any web browser, i.e., Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or other
    • Any device (Desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile) with any operating system — Windows, Macintosh, Android, IOS