
Ordering the Health Literacy Advisor

Each user must license the Health Literacy Advisor software each year.
One-year licenses paid for today are valid through April 3, 2026.
Click here for the full End User Licensing Agreement.

The Health Literacy Advisor is an add-in to Microsoft Word.
You must have Word XP/2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, or 2016 installed on a
Windows computer (or a Mac running Word in Windows) for the software to work.

Depending on the size of your order, there are several options for payment.
Full pricing and payment information below.

Order Form

Administrative contact:

End User Contact Information (if different than Administrative contact):

Required Fields


Per User
Per Year
English Only $499 
English & Spanish $599 
Add Spanish to existing HLA $100 
Volume Pricing

Multi-Year Discounts

   Years     Discount  

The discount will be applied to the entire order paid up front.

Payment Options

Once we receive your payment, we will email you a username and keycode, along with instructions for downloading and installing your copy of the Health Literacy Advisor.